Certified Green Business
The Law Office of Amber Rodriguez is a City of Ventura Certified Green Business. We have implemented green and earth-friendly practices throughout our office which meet the guidelines of the California Green Business Network.
Law offices tend to use a large amount of paper, which has a major environmental impact and considerable cost. We reduce our paper use by keeping electronic files instead of paper files. We only print what is necessary for legal compliance and to best serve our clients. When we must print, we use recycled content paper and ensure that all paper is recycled after our use.
Additionally, we take steps to assure our environmental impact on our community is minimized including the use of recycled products, energy efficient light bulbs, biodegradable garbage bags, compostable coffee products, an in-office water filtration system instead of bottled water, recycling bottles, cans, paper, plastic and food waste generated by our office, and using third-party certified eco-friendly cleaning products.
If you are interested in obtaining certification for your own business you can get more information on https://greenbusinessca.org/CityofVentura.